Education Projects
Two Zoos Partner Up in Wildlife & Science Education Initiative for Students Across Australia and Papua New Guinea
January 12, 2023
‘Skul na Komuniti Save Projek’ (School and Community Citizen Science Project)
Students from 14 secondary schools in Australia and Papua New Guinea got to learn about bird biology and habitats, and develop scientific skills in data collection and analysis, thanks to this education initiative by Zoos Victoria and Port Moresby Nature Park. Teachers were also provided with lessons and resources so they can include wildlife conservation in the curriculum!
Exhibition at Irish Aquarium Highlights the Contributions of Marine Biodiversity to Medical Research
October 3, 2021
An exhibition at Galway Atlantaquaria is highlighting the contributions of marine biodiversity to medical research... Hosted by CÚRAM, Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Medical Devices, the exhibition provides examples of how marine wildlife has inspired medtech and therapies that are helping to fight diseases. The aquarium wants to show the visitors how dependent human health is on the marine environment, highlighting the importance and need to protect it!
Natur'Zoo de Mervent Receives Iberian Lynx Pair - First Non-Iberian Zoo to House the Species!
June 22, 2021
The Lynx ex-situ conservation programme has sent two Iberian lynx, Fruta and K5, to Natur'Zoo De Mervent in France - first zoo outside the Iberian Peninsula to house this species!
Both of them are surplus animals from the breeding programme, as Fruta's genes are now well represented in the population (21 cubs produced, 15 of those reintroduced in the wild) and K5 (her son) suffers from a genetic anomaly (cryptorchidism). They will now "retire" in the 2,600 m2 enclosure at the zoo, where they will be ambassadors for the species, helping to raise awareness and educate the public!
Lisbon Zoo to Launch Online Education Programme to Inform & Inspire the Public
January 29, 2021
Lisbon Zoo is about to launch the 2nd edition of "Clube da Natureza", an online education programme that aims to inform & inspire the public to have more sustainable and eco-friendly life styles.
WWF Portugal & FSC Portugal are some of the partners in this initiative, which will include educational presentations, activities and even prize giving at the end!
European Union's Global Coalition for Biodiversity Heavily Supported by Zoos & Aquariums
September 2020
A global coalition has been launched by the European Commission, with the aim of raising awareness about the current biodiversity crisis and the importance of protecting it! The world zoo & aquarium community is already fiercely represented in this initiative, which is so far supported by the following zoo associations:
✔World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)
✔European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA)
✔British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA)
✔Iberian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AIZA)
✔Association of Zoological Gardens in German-speaking countries (VDZ)
✔French Association of Zoological Parks (AFdPZ)

"Which Fish?": EAZA's New Campaign Targets Over-Exploitation of World's Oceans
June 09, 2020
Did you now that 76% of world's fisheries are fully exploited or over-fished? The new EAZA "Which Fish?" campaign aims to encourage sustainable harvesting and consumption of fish resources - not only of resources used for human consumption but also for animal feed and collection planning.

Chester Zoo Creates New Game for Wildlife Lovers!
April 07, 2020
⚠️New Game for wildlife lovers, brought to you by Chester Zoo & Internet of Elephants!
"Think of it as the ‘Pokemon Go’ of wildlife. Wildeverse enables players to beam far away wild places to their own home using just their phone. With the game, you can track real wild animals and carry out real conservation challenges."

Chester Zoo Wins Award for their Education Programmes
July 27, 2019
Chester Zoo has won the Sandford Award for heritage education! This award is an independently judged assessment of education programmes in UK institutions and heritage sites, and this win further shows the impact zoos and aquariums can have on their visitors' education! Check out the other 2019 winners here.

Education Campaign By Lisbon Zoo & Cascais Council Educates the Public About Threats Wildlife is Facing!
July 11, 2019
In order to educate the public about some of the threats the world's wildlife is facing, Lisbon Zoo & Câmara Municipal de Cascais have set up an exhibition by the beach in Cascais, showing some of the world's threatened species, the dangers they are under and what people can do to help.
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